Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My first Ironman nightmare

Oh how I woke up at 2:30 am saying, Thank god that was just a dream!

When I first started waiting tables back in the early 90's I used to have work nightmares. Tables would be set up all over my room, I was so tired and the only one working, more and more tables appeared...I couldn't keep up! Totally in the weeds.

I guess when you care about something so much and want to do well it comsumes you even in your restful, peaceful sleepy time.

So my Ironman dream: ( and when you tell a dream it usually makes no sense but made perfect sense as it was happening).

We were in a tent and I remember we just finished the swim that I could barely keep my eyes open for. My eyes were so heavy. I made it through and everyone had...in my dream..special needs bags right there in the tent with everything they needed for the bike. I couldn't find anything! No water bottles, no nutrition, no shoes...nuthin!

Then as I searched around apparently I found some stuff and ended up on this platform about 20 feet off the ground. My bike was on a bike rack thingy similiar to one that you put on the top of your car. I had to reach over about 2 feet...still 20 feet up in the air..and pull it off the rack. Everyone else got their bikes with no problem - I dropped my bike down to the ground! Crap. Did it land on anyone? Went down to retrieve my bike and the tire had a big piece missing. I was finally able to find sometime to patch it up when I see all the people I was starting with to ride ...finishing! Crap.

So someone ( and I swear I think it was Carrie) told me just do the marathon part tomorrow. I was like..they'll let me? Oh yeah. They will. Then I don't even think I rode in this dream because I remember just kinda chillin out not worrying. Just do it tomorrow kind of feeling. Of course you can't do the marathon part the next day! Some stranger told me that. I was so dissapointed and thought...well..I better get moving! I was going to try and finish the race that day! Then Peenut bit me and I woke up. I guess he knew I was having a terrible time at that race and that sweet cat wanted me to wake up and realize it was just a dream.

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