Sunday, May 16, 2010

If it makes you happy...

Today I was standing with a total stranger who introduced himself to me as Richard. We had been standing there together for about 10 minutes just laughing before we finally exchanged names. Laughing together as if we have been good friends. We were laughing because our dogs were having a blast chasing each other, wagging their tails and getting completely filthy!

I am writing about this because on several occasions this has happened. I find myself standing with total strangers laughing. Smiling, laughing and being completely selfless. I am in a comfort zone that is hard to describe. I guess I can call it a "happy place".

I have had one of the worst years of my life and being able to laugh like that just about everyday has gotten me through. This is not to say that my amazing friends that I have met through triathlon haven't done the same. Just in a diferent way. We laugh as well but the joy I have watching my puppy so happy makes me feel like I have done something good that is not about me. This dog depends on me 100 percent. I could be at my most down and depressed but I HAVE to take Peenelope to the park. It is not her fault I am in the position I am in. She deserves a good day. Seeing her have a good day totally changes my bad day around.

I come home with a sense of purpose and it forces me to remain social when I tend to go into hibernation.

Peenut appreciates it too.